
Mark Ice Climbing Service of Marco Lavatelli recognises the importance for his users of maintaining the confidential nature, the integrity and the cerainty of their personal data, not public data (“Personal Data”) and it informs that the Personal Data issued by you voluntarily and consciously, will be dealt in the respect of the current italian normativeness in point of protection of the personal data (D.lgs 196/2003).

1. Typology and source of the data

Personal data voluntarily provided by the user

Mark Ice Climbing Service of Marco Lavatelli collects and processes personal data you directly and voluntarily provided by filling in any forms available on the website or with e-mail address to receive information. These personal information may include for example, name, e-mail address, etc…

Navigation data

Computer systems and software procedures used in this website acquire, during their normal operation. Some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the communication protocols of Internet.


The site uses cookies (session cookies), the use of which hasn’t like aim the collect of personal identification data, being limited to the transmission of session identification data in the form of numbers that are automatically generated by the server. Cookies aren’t permanently stores on the user’s device.

2. Purposes of the treatment of the data

The Personal Data will be able to be dealt for the next aims:

(a) in fullfilment of all the obligations it sets up the laws and current rules;

(b) to answer and to satisfy each your request and then to manage the report between you and Mark Ice Climbing Service of Marco Lavatelli.

3. Method of treatment

The Personal Data are dealt by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the reasons therefore they have been picked up. Specific security measures are observed to forestall the lost of the data, illicit or not correct uses and not authorized accessed.

4. Nature of the contribution

The conferment of the Personal Data is optional.

In any case, if you want to make a request of information about the Site is still necessary to compile all the fields indicated like obligatory in the relative forms and, where asked, to express the own consent to the treatment of the data.

The possible refusal to the release will have the only consequence that not being able to be informed about initiatives and/or other information relative to Mark Ice Climbing of Marco Lavatelli. You will able, in any moment, to revoke your consent writing to Mark Ice Climbing Service of Marco Lavatelli, Rue Gran Paradis 53-11012, Cogne (AO), Italy, or through e-mail to the address or using the special procedures that will be able to be put to your disposition

5. Communication and distribution of information

Your Personal Data will not be in any case object of diffusion and / or communication with third subjects.

6. Holder of the treatment

Holder of the treatment is Marco Lavatelli CF:LVTMRC62H04E801X, PI:01205830076, Rue Grand Paradis, 53 – 11012 Cogne (AO) Italy. Mark Ice Climbing Service it will deal with the data in accordance with the D.lgs. 196/2003- Code for the protection of the personal data.

7. Rights of the interested party

The subjects that release personal data, have the right in any moment of obtaining the confirmation of the existence and of knowing the content and the origin, of verifying the exactitude or of asking for integration or correction (article 7 of the Code in point of protection of the personal data). In accordance with the same article, the user has the right of asking for the annulment, the transformation into anonymous form or the block of the data dealt in violation of law, as well as of being opposed in any case, for legitimate reasons, against their treatment.

8. Contacts

Any request relative to your Personal Data referred to this informative report, will be able to be addressed to:

Mark Ice Climbing Service di Marco Lavatelli

Rue Grand Paradis, 53

11012 Cogne (AO) Italy


Mark Ice Climbing Service of Marco Lavatelli reserves to modify the present informative privacy in any moment. The version published in the Site is the one at present in vigour.

Last updating: October 2017